About Us





We are a global seed company headquartered in Turkey and exporting seeds to more than 85 countries. For more than 30 years, we have been carrying out vegetable seed production and R&D activities with 3800 decares of qualified agricultural land and 1800 decares of modern greenhouse assets.

We have foreign investments and affiliates in important vegetable producing countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Morocco, China and Pakistan. With our twelve research and production stations, six of which are in Turkey, we diversify our R&D activities by selecting varieties suitable for market requirements in target countries.

Thanks to our rich R&D-based infrastructure and experienced breeding team, we take a role in the global seed market with more than 450 commercial varieties in 14 species. Our high-quality varieties, which are distinguished from their competitors by criteria such as yield, quality, disease resistance, adaptability, provide benefits beyond the wishes and expectations of our customers.

We would like to thank all our business partners for their contribution and interest in our company.

Mehmet Yuksel

Our vision

To be a seed research and development company that breeds high quality vegetable seeds at internationally accepted standards, expands the boundaries of genetics at the molecular level, and in this way, to be one of the most competitive and innovative companies in the world in the species we work with.

Our Mission

It is to produce seeds by making producer and consumer-oriented R & D studies so that the whole world population can be fed with sufficient, safe and healthy natural foods.

Our policy

Using the most up-to-date methods of science and technology, with our educated and talented team, it is easy and directly accessible, sustainable, reliable, contemporary and aiming at continuous development, R & D and seed production.

Our Values

Efficiency and productivity: In order not to waste the earth's resources, we strive to increase the productivity of both our employees and our seeds.

Ethical business ethics: We conduct all our processes with our stakeholders, respectful of human rights, transparently and confidentially when necessary, depending on the situation.

Innovativeness: We closely follow the technological and scientific developments in the seed industry, support innovative ideas that will benefit the industry, and are not afraid of change.

Sustainability: We act with a sense of responsibility towards people, nature and the environment, and we avoid harmful approaches.

Stakeholder satisfaction: We act according to the win-win principle with all our stakeholders with whom we interact, such as customers, suppliers and personnel, and aim for common satisfaction.


Crops breeding


Commercial Variety


ha land


ha Modern Greenhouse






Export More Than Countries


 Producing seeds that are easily and directly accessible, reliable, contemporary, and aimed at continuous improvement is our priority. We achieve this with our well-trained and highly talented team, utilizing cutting-edge methods of science and technology. Furthermore, we are committed to establishing a sustainable total quality standard in our company, ensuring compliance with national and international laws, regulations, and all relevant legislations. Additionally, we uphold professional ethical values in our activities, including seed breeding, hybrid seed production, and the worldwide marketing of our products. These principles form the very essence of our quality policy.

In this sense:

  • The stage attained by us in seed breeding, production and sales in global markets is the new starting point for the development of novel and better varieties within the framework of the principle of continuous development of our company.
  • By considering the diverse consumption habits, cultures, and geographical factors of our customers, and accurately perceiving and evaluating their present and future needs and expectations, we ensure the timely supply of the right varieties. We effectively evaluate the satisfaction, suggestions, and all feedback from both our customers and the producers, who are the end users of our seeds.
  • By carrying out production in accordance with the GSPP standard, we adopt and implement necessary precautions to prevent the contamination of our seeds by the Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) pathogen.
  • As a seed research and development company, we engage in breeding superior quality vegetable seeds to internationally recognized standards and push the boundaries of genetic science on a molecular level. This ensures that we pursue and utilize technology that offers a competitive advantage in the varieties we work with.
  • All the necessary resources are provided and professionally used at the most appropriate level to attain the highest level of operational competence and quality.
  • We act in partnership with our distributors and other stakeholders on the win-win principle for worldwide stable growth and long-term, sustained success. This benefits all our stakeholders, primarily our direct customers and the producers, who are the ultimate consumers of our seeds.
  • Details are calculated accurately by predicting error probabilities and risks. Through this method, we aim to achieve envisioned results effectively and efficiently during the initial period, utilizing appropriate resources in all our business processes.
  • Being aware of our social responsibilities towards society, we develop policies with a sensitive stance on social issues such as education, environment, sports, and humanitarian aid.
  • Iso 9001
  • GSSP
  • Organic Seed