Products & Solutions

Are you ready to meet Yuksel Seeds high quality and delicious products?

Every day, we make strides along the path we've embarked upon, dedicated to crafting the most delicious and nutritious vegetable seeds.      

Our foremost priority is to ensure both consumer and producer satisfaction, fostering sustainable success.

In formulating our breeding programs, we meticulously assess the unique growing conditions of each region, respond to producer demands, and track customer trends. Prior to making our seeds available for sale, we conduct trial productions under the specific growing conditions of each locale. Our evaluation of developed varieties hinges on stringent quality criteria, including productivity, shelf life, nutritional value, disease resistance, and alignment with customer preferences. 

Only those varieties meeting Yuksel Seed’s exacting quality standards are offered to our customers.

Yuksel Seeds unveils a world brimming with flavor for you and your clients.

  • Iso 9001
  • GSSP
  • Organic Seed

Our most important quality & sustainability criteria;

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Flavour (aroma & texture)
  • Disease resistance & productivity
  • Long shelf life & healthy
  • Rich nutritional value
  • Innovative perspective

Our varieties